Comparing Change Set #2605 with #2604 for Battle is an Art

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URL fragment (slug) battle-is-an-art
Index Sorting Title Battle is an Art
Book Title Battle is an Art
Book Tagline Recompense Shall Be Paid
Book URL / Read URL
Book RSS Feed
Book Author(s) Thomas Loud
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Friendship
Update Schedule Fortnightly
Book Synopsis Herah always considered herself a master artist, be it a painting, sculpture, portrait or whatever, Herah could make it without problem. Combine this with her gift to make her art into a reality, her great combat prowess and her infinite amount of willpower, she was clearly a no brainer to participate in Recompense; a series of trials that if one won would grant the winner anything they wanted. With each trial being not only a battle to win but to survive, and the fact that the losers got a prize as well, that most really didn’t want, and the Cendruex had some stiff competition. But with a broken No.2 pencil, a nervous smithing apprentice, a too trusting liar and an honest, omniscient jackass, Herah had Recompense in the bag. After all, Herah was a master artist, and she always considered battle exactly that: an art.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2