Comparing Change Set #2646 with #2637 for Battle is an Art

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Book Synopsis Herah always considered herself a master artist, be it a painting, sculpture, portrait drawing or whatever, Herah could make it without problem. Combine this with her gift to make her art into a reality, her great combat prowess and her infinite amount immense amounts of willpower, she and this meant Herah was clearly a no brainer no-brainer to participate in Recompense; a series of trials acts that if one won would grant the winner anything they wanted. With each trial being winner(s) a wish from their Maker. Of course, with such a great prize on the line that there was an equal price which had to be paid. This meant that other participants, hostile environments, and pretty much all sentient life that wasn’t herself would definitely be challenges that Herah would have to overcome to not only a battle to win but to survive, and survive. Recompense truly was a battle of the fact that the losers got a prize as well, that most really didn’t want, and the Cendruex had some stiff competition. But fittest. But with a broken No.2 pencil, a nervous smithing apprentice, master smith, a too trusting liar and an honest, omniscient jackass, Herah had Recompense in the bag. After Bag. After all, Herah was a master artist, and she always considered battle exactly that: an art.