Comparing Change Set #2619 with #2616 for Horsey Ashes

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Book Synopsis A narcissistic idiot breaks Brad Wu was just another boring schmuck like you and me until the fateful day he met his pet horse Betsy. The horse\'s speedy demise and cremation will lead Brad down a highly unlikely path full of cultists, slavers, alien gods, and abnormally terrible luck. But it seems that the horse isn\'t ready to be killed off just yet, as a strange twist of events has Brad accidentally inhaling the beast\'s ashes. Turns out of his family home in search of fame that horse ashes bestow incredible strength, speed, regenerative powers, and followers. the ability to speak to ghosts. For a little while, at least. Follow him and his hateable bizarre gang on the long road to Calgary as they battle slavery, eldritch deities, drug addiction, journey across Canada to the fabled city of Calgary in pursuit of fame, followers, and horrible animal abuse. Somewhere along the line, he also develops superpowers and the ability to talk to ghosts. Based on a true story. My story. freedom. There\'s no way this story ends well.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Book Author(s) Saltyhalibut (Kevin Jiang)