Comparing Change Set #2644 with #2645 for Modern Magick - The Fifth Britain

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Book Title Modern Magick - The Fifth Britain (Book 4)
Book Tagline Old Magick. New World.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Charlotte E. English
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis As an agent of the Society for Magickal Heritage, Cordelia “Ves” Vesper has an important job: to track down and rescue endangered magickal creatures, artefacts, books and spells wherever they are to be found. It’s a duty that takes her the length and breadth of Britain, and frequently gets her into trouble. But somebody’s got to keep magick alive in the modern world, and Ves is more than equal to the job. Cast away from the Society (sort of) and out on their own, Ves, Jay and Zareen face their greatest challenge yet. What is the truth behind the mysterious, perambulatory Spire? Is it really possible to travel in time? What dangerous secrets are the Hidden Ministry keeping? Answers must be found — in the face of severe opposition from the Ministry, from Ancestria Magicka, and from every Fae Court in existence. Simple. If only everything wouldn’t keep going wrong. If only a house hadn’t walked off with Jay. If only there wasn’t still a traitor on the loose, and if only Ancestria Magicka wasn’t always, inevitably up to no good. With the trusty trio down to two, Ves and Zareen call in the Baron for help. Their mission: track down a vanishing island, save the Striding Spire, and find the way back to 1789. Oh — and just what exactly has become of Jay...?
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 1
Intended Audience Adult, young adult
URL fragment (slug) modern-magick---the-fifth-britain-book-4
Index Sorting Title Modern Magick - Fifth Britain (Book 4)