Comparing Change Set #2659 with #2658 for Exiles

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URL fragment (slug) exiles
Index Sorting Title Exiles
Book Title Exiles
Book Tagline Criminals struggle together against wakening evil on a lawless continent.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Aaron McQueen
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis Kalkonu, the lost continent. What was once served as a prison for civilization’s worst criminals has become a dumping ground for political outcasts, refugees, and the undesirables of society. There is no escape. For those who are banished there is only the cold at the top of the world, the wilderness, and the doom of the long night. But there is fire under the snow. Shadows loom over the clouds. Old evils have begun to wake, and it is in this land of lawlessness that the mortal races will find their one and only chance to fight for their survival. Crooks, professors, refugees, and thieves. All exiles. They may not trust each other, but they’re going to have to fight together, and if they’re very, very lucky, they might just save the world.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Young Adult