Comparing Change Set #2697 with #2698 for The Last Science

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Book Title The Last Science
Book Tagline A Tale of Modern Magic
Book URL / Read URL
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Book Author(s) Etzoli
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Supernatural
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis \"How did you do that?\" \"Short answer? Magic is real.\" Nestled deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, something is emerging. Kept in absolute secrecy, it seeps into a fading town, quietly shared from person to person. For Alden Bensen, a directionless high school graduate, this discovery could mean an escape from his empty existence. To Rachel DuValle, perpetually underestimated and dismissed by the world, magic represents a chance to become something much greater than herself. In the face of an unsuspecting world, their decisions shape the growth of a budding society discovering untold power. This potent force offers anyone the power to change humanity forever — or send it cascading into swift and total annihilation.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Young Adult, Adult
URL fragment (slug) the-last-science
Index Sorting Title Last Science