Comparing Change Set #2742 with #2743 for Katalepsis

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Book Title Katalepsis
Book Tagline A web serial of cosmic horror, urban fantasy, and making friends with strange people
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) HY
Primary Genre Horror
Secondary Genre Romance
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis Nightmares and hallucinations have plagued Heather Morell all her life. Diagnosed with schizophrenia as a child after the loss of her twin – a sister who never really existed – now struggling with her mental health at university, Heather teeters on the verge of giving up on life. A chance meeting ends in a revelation: she is not crazy, her visions are all too real, and probably want to eat her soul. Embroiled with a crippled, bad-tempered magician and her self-proclaimed ‘bodyguard’, Heather rapidly descends into a world of terrifying magic and otherworldly monsters, in an effort to stay sane, bring back the dead, and maybe, just maybe, make out with cool older girls.
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience adult, young adult, lgbt, lesbian
URL fragment (slug) katalepsis
Index Sorting Title Katalepsis