Comparing Change Set #2745 with #2908 for Sprig

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Book Synopsis War rages as land runs out. Elves, Dwarves, Humans, An endless racial war, a magical island, and other races fight for control a lone girl stuck in the midst of the limited space they have. When a land mass suddenly appears out of nowhere, people flock to it, only to be caught up in its mysteries. Kaia, it all. Kaia, one of the last living members of the Treek race, heads has spent her life in hiding. Each race wields its own form of magic to claim what is theirs and repay the land hurt caused by others. When an island appears in the ocean overnight, many see it as a resource. For Kaia, it brings hope that she might one day be with her people again. Join the journey as Kaia fights to find others like herself and escape the war family that surrounds was taken from her. With conflict at Will the endless hatred push her back, and untamed wilderness ahead, to seek revenge? Or will she and the companions she makes discover the truths of the new land and themselves. find another way forward?
Contain Mature Content? 0 1