Comparing Change Set #2820 with #2821 for False Prophecy

Field Diff
Book Title False Prophecy
Book Tagline Defying Fate
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Amanuensis
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Everyone knows the Prophecy of the Fated King. Everyone knows of his Six Signs and Seven Trials. Everyone knows he is the one destined to lead an army of soldiers and fae into battle against the spectral invaders known as wraiths. But what if the Fated King failed, and his Prophecy never comes true? What if he was killed surrounded by loved ones and devoted allies? What if he died four years before the inevitable war for our world’s soul? Humanity could not possibly survive without him. Could we? Nise, 217-563 P.R.
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience Young Adult
URL fragment (slug) false-prophecy
Index Sorting Title False Prophecy