Comparing Change Set #2837 with #2838 for Blood Sprawl

Field Diff
Book Title Blood Sprawl
Book Tagline A Cyberpunk Web Serial
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) D. Julius Goodman
Primary Genre Sci-Fi
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis The year is 2084. In the aftermath of the War the world has changed. Humans are tagged and tracked like cattle. The megacorporations control everything. Any vice a person wants to indulge in can be had for a price. People enhance themselves with technology, cybernetics and neural implants, sometimes to the extreme. Danger lurks around every corner and you never know what’s real and what not. And deep underneath it all is something. A terrible secret just under the surface that no one knows about or wants to discover. Welcome to Blood Sprawl.
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) blood-sprawl
Index Sorting Title Blood Sprawl