Comparing Change Set #2863 with #2864 for Pendulum Zero

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Book Title Pendulum Zero
Book Tagline If your world would end today, what would your legacy be? What tales would the people of tomorrow tell about the you of yesterday?
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Nistica
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Spiritual
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis The story follows nineteen year old Casey, a high school dropout suffering from depression, as she due to some unusual circumstances surrounding her family, ends up attending one of the most prestigious institutions for higher magical learning in the world of Eorbe. Aldor Academy of the Mundane and Magical Arts. Here, she quickly finds out that she has to live and work together with four other students who each have their own reasons for coming to this school. Some more sinister than the other. The plot centers around their daily lives at this place as the five of them work towards achieving their goals and dreams. **Source:** [Tv Tropes]( (Edited)
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience young adult, adult
URL fragment (slug) pendulum-zero
Index Sorting Title Pendulum Zero