Comparing Change Set #2883 with #2929 for Unjust Depths

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URL fragment (slug) unjust-depths
Index Sorting Title Unjust Depths
Book Synopsis Hundreds of A thousand meters under the ocean, beneath a turbulent, an uninhabitable surface, where light barely reaches through the distortions of the water, the communist Labor Union of Ferris, Lyser and Solstice scratches out a living for its people in former penal colonies won in a revolution against the vast and mighty Imbrian Empire. With the Empire and locked into war with the far away Republic of Alaize locked into war, Alayze, the Union bides its time and builds its strength, time, hoping to be ready able to defend itself when their way of life if the Empire returns. Under this vast ocean, returns. Out of every junior officer in the actions of a few will ripple farther afield than anyone would imagine. Union navy, Lieutenant Murati Nakara has made the most petitions for promotion to an active duty warship. When the Empire enters an era of internal chaos, the Union sees its Murati finally gets a chance to finally steer the tide prove herself — and gets her wish to serve. Aboard an experimental ship and part of history in their favor. To connect the disparate resistance movements awakening in the Empire into a revolutionary front, a young crew aboard an experimental ship inexperienced in real war, Murati will embark on a journey across thousands of kilometers of ocean, discovering unlikely allies, dangerous foes foes, and a myriad truths about their life under the vast, brilliant blue water that surrounds their entire world. ocean..
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Intended Audience LGBTQ people, LGBTQ, Lesbians, Trans women, Military otaku, mecha fans, sci-fi fans