Comparing Change Set #2948 with #2949 for Stuck on an Island with my Boss’s Daughter

Field Diff
Book Title Stuck on an Island with my Boss’s Daughter
Book Tagline You won’t believe how I got here
Book URL / Read URL\'s-daughter_22389141006188205
Book Author(s) Kino Ren
Primary Genre Humor
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Daily
Book Synopsis How did I even get here stuck on a deserted island with Melanie Suwi? Melanie Suwi, the daughter of the owner of the luxury cruise line I had just been bartending for? Melanie Suwi, the girl who protects and holds her backpack so tightly you\'d think it was the most precious thing in the world? Melanie Suwi, survival extraordinaire according to her own words? The true answer to that question is what keeps me up at night.
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Young adults
URL fragment (slug) stuck-on-an-island-with-my-bosss-daughter
Index Sorting Title Stuck on an Island with my Boss’s Daughter