Comparing Change Set #3024 with #3025 for Girl Of Cinder

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Book Title Girl Of Cinder
Book Tagline The past unlocks ghosts
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) trinit33
Primary Genre Romance
Secondary Genre Drama
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis In a tranquil coastal village, modernized by technology and reliant on fishing, Lucinda leads a peaceful life with her adoptive mother. She works at a bakery alongside her best friend, showcasing her exceptional talent for pastry-making. However, everything changes when a mysterious man enters the bakery, bearing a distinct scar above his left eyebrow. Instantly, Lucinda is flooded with fragmented memories of her childhood. Later that day, another incident disrupts Lucinda\'s routine, further unsettling her mundane existence. Coincidentally, fate introduces her to someone who holds the key to unraveling her haunting dreams. Unbeknownst to Lucinda and her mother, her long-dormant case is reopened by the police department, dedicated to solving unsolved mysteries. The case is assigned to a capable officer who, through a shared accident, becomes closer to Lucinda, aided by his new partner. Meanwhile, Lucinda seeks therapy to explore her recurring dreams, forming a deep connection with her therapist, who unexpectedly falls in love with her despite being engaged to someone else. Events take a dramatic turn when Lucinda\'s hallucinations drive her to the brink of drowning, with her therapist coincidentally present to rescue her. Unbeknownst to Lucinda, her therapist begins concocting plans to kidnap her, driven by his newfound obsession. Follow as Lucinda delves deeper into unlocking the missing fragments of her memory....
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) girl-of-cinder
Index Sorting Title Girl Of Cinder