Comparing Change Set #1117 with #1047 for Shadow's Light

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Book Tagline If you were the bane of existence, and you held the power to annihilate the universe, existence cursed with catastrophic power, would you choose to save it? the lives of those who abused you, or witness and bring upon their demise?
Update Schedule Quarterly Weekly
Book Synopsis The Descendants of the creator of Evil have been cursed with the fate of the Dark Crystal, and while the one who opposes its power, carries the Light Crystal, contain magnificent power, but together Crystal. But together, the precious stones create an unparalleled path a power that could annihilate the entire universe. So when the host of absolute annihilation. But each carrier is destined to defeat the other. So, when the Dark Crystal bearer has is thrust into the position to choose sides, will she choose to exterminate all that had imprisoned and manipulated her, or defy destiny, and the Crystal and ally herself with fight along side the Light Crystal or join the new unknown enemy in hope of preventing the horrific nightmare that looms on the horizon. destroying life, which will she choose?
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Sexual Language? 2 0
Contain Coarse Language? 1 0
Intended Audience young adults adults, fantasy, vampires