Comparing Change Set #970 with #971 for The Ageless One

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Book Title The Ageless One
Book Tagline When the existence of your race is defined by eternal youth, what happens when you don\'t understand it? Doelan is a young, ageless gisler, and that\'s his problem. He does not fit in with his people.
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Book Author(s) Jason Richard
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Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Friendship
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis Doelan\'s people are the gislers, which means they stop growing up when they turn fifteen. That\'s not so bad, but Doelan doesn\'t understand it. He cannot tell his elders apart by age, and this isn\'t a problem for anyone but him, and some have noticed. Other children have started making fun of him, and he can\'t stand it. Things get when when he begins to see goblins around the village, and he knows something is wrong, but will they believe him?
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Fantasy, young adult, family,
URL fragment (slug) the-ageless-one
Index Sorting Title Ageless One