Comparing Change Set #1026 with #1027 for Touchstone

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Book Title Touchstone
Book Tagline War is hell, and then it starts to hurt.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Letitia Coyne
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Tragedy
Secondary Genre Romance
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis When war is all you\'ve ever known, the promise of peace is more terrifying than any battle. For Freya, there was no life worth remembering before the army, and none worth imagining after. Born to the lowest caste of a brutally bigoted society, she’s found no more horror on the battlefield than she knew on the streets. And she’s earned a lot more respect with a sword in her hand. As a young man, Dragan was blooded on the rush of adrenaline and sated by the euphoria of victory. With Freya beside him as his partner, he was indestructible. But age and mortality are gaining ground, and cracks have started to appear. He\'s had fifteen years of war and he\'s earned his share of peace. Together they survived the war, they made the perfect team. But can they survive peace when it means different things to each of them? Touchstone updates every Monday and Wednesday.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience mature audience, historical fiction readers, romantic tragedy readers.
URL fragment (slug) touchstone
Index Sorting Title Touchstone