Comparing Change Set #1056 with #1055 for Small Town Ravaging

Field Diff
URL fragment (slug) small-town-ravaging
Index Sorting Title Small Town Ravaging
Book Title Small Town Ravaging
Book Tagline Let the Ravaging Begin.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Samuel Nye
Primary Genre Horror
Secondary Genre Supernatural
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis The small town of Minde goes from being an average middle American hometown to one torn apart by fear and suspicion as an unknown threat makes itself felt. It all begins with the disappearance of Benny Jorgens, who reappears a few days later, a completely ruined form of life. His mind has been torn from his body, and he must enter the subconscious realm of human thought to find a way to regain control, before the madman who stole everything from him can use his body to kill everyone Benny holds dear. Let the Ravaging Begin.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience young adults, adults, high school students, horror fans