Comparing Change Set #1118 with #1119 for Special People

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Book Title Special People
Book Tagline Special people have special problems.
Book URL / Read URL
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Book Author(s) Tim Sevenhuysen
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Superhero
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Special People is a fiction project about people with special powers and abilities. These stories are action-oriented, humourous, and unique. The events of Special People take place in and around Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The timeline is present day. Many real locations will be mentioned and referred to within the stories, so you can look them up online and get a feel for where things are happening. Characters will overlap between stories, and even interact with one another, but unlike a traditional novel, they may not not all tie together into a single climax and resolution. Some characters will be one-offs, their stories told in single installments, while others will have longer story arcs, spanning multiple chapters or episodes.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 1
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience adults, teenagers, young adults, nerds
URL fragment (slug) special-people
Index Sorting Title Special People