Comparing Change Set #1608 with #2294 for The Smell Collector

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Contain Mature Content? 1
Chapter Count 0 55
Book Tagline My smells are my life really. Smells The story of a man whose only meaningful contact with the world is through smells, who is slowly working his way out of his mother\'s basement out into the wide world of people and Mother. I don’t know what I would do without them. relationships.
Book Synopsis The Smell Collector tells the story of Jim Bronson is thirty-five-years-old. He lives with his mother. He works at the public library because it’s next to the post office, and the post office won’t hire him. Marie Bellman. Jim has devoted his entire life to “collecting” smells, as he refers to it, and taking care of his aging mother. He’s never kissed a woman other than his mother. hobby. He believes that collects smells. Marie happens to have the love most beautiful smell. What happens when Jim tries to collect Marie? A humorous, quirky, possibly disturbing but definitely heartwarming tale of his life is a little girl two lonely-hearts who he encountered at a post office when he was a little boy. He spends his free time roaming the city, visiting smells that are of interest to him, or in a small laboratory in his mother’s basement recreating smells or simulating smells he hopes to one day experience. He cares little for people, except for Mother and his would-be childhood sweetheart...until he meets Marie, a woman with an irresistible scent. brought together by smells.
Intended Audience adult,teen,quirky adult,teen,quirky,romance, modern fiction