Comparing Change Set #1167 with #1157 for Vampire Wares

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Book Synopsis In 17th century Romania, the small village of Vallaya has lived under the shadow of a coven of vampires that live in a cave in the woods by haunt their village, whose sporadic attacks have robbed them of many of their citizens. woods. Simultaneously, they have also the village has grown prosperous from the sale of Vampire Wares, various life-prolonging medicines created by killing, chopping up and processing vampire parts. The vampires are hunted by the sole-surviving vampire hunter, Vasile, and processed by the village apothecary, Andrei. But change is in the air, as the vampires, weakened and seeking reform, enter into talks of a permanent peace between the vampires and the surrounding villages. Meanwhile, a young novice from a nearby nunnery seeks to flee the monastic life to become a vampire, and a young farmer\'s son seeks to throw off the yoke of serfdom by becoming Vasile\'s apprentice and future successor as vampire-hunter. vampire-hunter.
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Contain Coarse Language? 1 0
Contain Sexual Language? 1 0
URL fragment (slug) vampire-wares
Index Sorting Title Vampire Wares