Comparing Change Set #1162 with #1163 for Gun to a Knife Fight

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Book Title Gun to a Knife Fight
Book Tagline The Never Ending Noir Novel
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Jon Hunt
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Crime
Secondary Genre Suspense
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis \"Gun to a Knife Fight\" is a story about Detective Jacoby Stone and his fellow friends Robert Marceau and Kate Sterling running an upstart law firm and detective agency that consults with the Minneapolis Police Department in some of the most curious and peculiar cases, often at Stone\'s choosing himself. Unfortunately the company seemed to have hit a rough patch, forcing them to rely on more mundane tasks of a PI, such as stalking spouses and digging up dirt. Soon though, a seemingly routine suicide turns into a sick, twisted string of unimaginably cruel murders from an unknown, uncaring and unstoppable serial killer.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience crime lovers, drama lovers, romantics
URL fragment (slug) gun-to-a-knife-fight
Index Sorting Title Gun to a Knife Fight