Comparing Change Set #1256 with #1257 for Life

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Book Title Life
Book Tagline magic, ya, fantasy, medieval, slave, love, romance, love triangle, mage, dragon, family, morals, traders
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Cas Webb
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Romance
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Kemla’s a teenager living in the Summer’s Mountains. She’s quick witted, not shy of action and smart but life outside the protective circle where she lives is all but beyond her reach. Then one day she’s kidnapped by slave traders, helped by magic and learns to trust. All the while she’s trying to avoid her past. Kemla has an uncanny magical connection with her partner in crime, her horse, together they are so strong that in intense moments their souls join and two become one. Magic isn’t just a part of her life, it is who she is. FireMagic runs through her veins, the lightning has always called to her. How is it that until now she’s didn’t even know she had magic? Perhaps because magic is far from considered a gift in Summers Realm, it’s a curse and is punishable by death. What man could love such a wild child? In this book romance is a theme from the beginning. Kemla is seventeen, of marrying age, but first she needs to learn that not every man is out to harm her. Not every man is like her da. She meets her guy, saves his sister from a bandit attack, and still can’t speak the truth of her own past. “My family’s wanted for murder. I am wanted for the death and torture of a noble family, children and a woman too.” This project began when I was thirteen years old, though admittedly it looked different then. There were endless pages of world building and maps covering my bedroom walls. I wonder what my mother thought of it all?
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience Young Adults
URL fragment (slug) life
Index Sorting Title Life