Comparing Change Set #1303 with #1304 for Autonomy

Field Diff
Book Title Autonomy
Book Tagline Space mercenaries doing what needs to be done to keep their ship running.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Wijbren van Tuinen
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Sci-Fi
Secondary Genre Western
Update Schedule Monthly
Book Synopsis In the year 3000 humans are colonising the galaxy. They are taking the vast frontier of space and are segmenting it, culturing it and constricting it. Autonomy Jones, mercenary and bounty hunter, refuses to accept this. Together with Tommy, her robotic partner, she drifts through space from planet to planet and station to station, accepting any job that will keep her ship flying.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience black comedy, comedy, bounty hunters, pdf available, robots, science fiction, sci fi, space western, western
URL fragment (slug) autonomy
Index Sorting Title Autonomy