Comparing Change Set #1305 with #1306 for Provoking Fire

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Book Title Provoking Fire
Book Tagline A Fantasy Webnovel with a Little Bit of Everything.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Virginia \"Vee\" Villarreal
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Drama
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis Provoking Fire is a fantasy web novel set in an alternate reality where Earth is inhabited by both humans and mutants, beings that appear to be human, but possess supernatural abilities. The discovery of these super-powered individuals has rocked the globe and in the aftermath of a destructive world war a few humans strive to understand and strike a peace between the mutants and the tech company that reigns the world with an iron fist.
Intended Audience Adults, Women, Men
URL fragment (slug) provoking-fire
Index Sorting Title Provoking Fire