Comparing Change Set #1381 with #1382 for The Unbroken Chaos

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Book Title The Unbroken Chaos
Book Tagline Several teenagers are on a quest for revenge and the truth of their origin.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Alex Davidson
Primary Genre Supernatural
Secondary Genre Suspense
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis In the year 2082, two teenagers, Chaos and Lilith, killed the woman who killed Chaos\'s parents. Or, so they thought. In reality, she was still alive. Two years later, they are hired as assassins to kill her, and along the way, they meet Kirina, a girl their age with special powers who had been held captive by the woman. Together with Kirina, the three teenagers go on a quest to kill the woman they thought dead, and possibly discover the origins of Kirina\'s and Chaos\'s supernatural powers.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience Young adults, adults
URL fragment (slug) the-unbroken-chaos
Index Sorting Title Unbroken Chaos