Comparing Change Set #1416 with #1417 for Peculiar Memories

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Book Title Peculiar Memories
Book Tagline Most of the time, my days are as ordinary as the next guy\'s. Then there are days when something peculiar happens.
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Book Author(s) Jason Macias
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre General
Update Schedule Fortnightly
Book Synopsis Most of the time, my days pass more or less like I imagine the days pass for other people. I work. I enjoy the company of friends. I daydream. I do laundry. Then there are other times when something peculiar happens. Not very often, of course, but frequently enough that I sometimes wonder about these occurrences and what they might mean. In general I have never spoken about these things, because what would have been the point? Over the years, though, I have accumulated enough of these memories to make me want to share them. It is these peculiar memories that I plan to present here.
URL fragment (slug) peculiar-memories
Index Sorting Title Peculiar Memories