Comparing Change Set #1452 with #2064 for A Cruel Romance

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URL fragment (slug) a-cruel-romance
Index Sorting Title Cruel Romance
Book Tagline An (accredited) A translation of 尼罗 Niluo\'s historical fiction in Chinese.
Book Synopsis This “This is the story of a lonely young man. This particular young man was born into comes from wealth and power, prestige, is well-endowed in both looks appearance and temperament, is a warlord by profession, and has no unhealthy avocations. In the opening of the this romance, he is in the course of serving performing military service in some desolate dump, making a valley in the middle of nowhere, plundering living from pillaging neighbouring towns and moonlighting as his main livelihood, and scalping an opium as a side job. (Republican China, Warlord Era, WWII) dealer.”
Contain Mature Content? 0 1
Intended Audience historical fiction, foreign, slash, m/m, lgbt, Chinese