Comparing Change Set #1518 with #1519 for Safe as Houses

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Book Title Safe as Houses
Book Tagline That was some powerful magic. Sunlight. Who knew?
Book URL / Read URL
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Book Author(s) Michael Litzky
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Horror
Secondary Genre Fantasy
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis Imagine a world where the night outside is crawling with vampires but inside your home, life is completely normal. You cook, you wash dishes, you make love—and you ignore the white faces at the window and the teasing, wheedling voices. The story follows two women, Sally and Lavinia, as they try to make a home together in a world where “home” has gained an entirely new meaning. If vampires can’t enter a home uninvited, then what exactly is a home—a tent, a camper, or even your car (if you sleep in it)? And just wait ’till you find out what sunlight actually does to a vampire!
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience fans of character driven fantasy
URL fragment (slug) safe-as-houses
Index Sorting Title Safe as Houses