Comparing Change Set #1577 with #1607 for Mercs, Feds, and Tribals.

Field Diff
Book Title Mercs, Feds, and Tribals.
Book Tagline “Smuggling, We\'re a freelance merc crew that flies from bounty hunting, precision strikes, espionage, minor asset denial, low profile assassinations, to contract to heist on the Skylark. Get your hands dirty and I\'ll give you a bunk, a home, and an even cut from all profits. - Chief, head of the occasional basic piracy. We keep ourselves busy.” - \'Chief\' \'Skylark\' mercenary crew
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) The Chivalrous Rogue
Primary Genre Sci-Fi
Secondary Genre Drama
Update Schedule Monthly
Book Synopsis \"Mercs, Feds, and Tribals\" is a story about a third world caught in the throes of a civil war told through the eyes of those within it. The narrative shifts from the POV\'s of a seasoned mercenary crew seeking to make a buck, exhausted Federation crewmen and soldiers, to Tribal leaders who are just trying to keep their people alive.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 3
Intended Audience Veterans, Active duty soldiers, Firefly fans,