Comparing Change Set #1678 with #1679 for The Lost Vanguard Trial

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Book Title The Lost Vanguard Trial
Book Tagline An LA nurse falls in love with a movie star while on the run from her family of Evangelical terrorists bent on bringing morality to Hollywood
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Jaye Viner
Primary Genre Drama
Secondary Genre Romance
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Book Synopsis THE LOST VANGUARD TRIAL is a Literary Suspense novel in which Jane, a Los Angeles nurse, finds her past creeping up on her when a coworker announces she is dating a member of the vigilante group the Vanguard. Jane still remembers her first trial, the movie director begging, how his skin smelled after the brand. She cannot go back to that life. Amid rumors that someone is leaking Vanguard identities to the police, Jane flees California for Hawaii only to find the Vanguard in the middle of kidnapping their next trial target. She has the chance to prevent it but this involves betraying her family and losing the man she has waited eight years to love.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience Adults, film buffs, serious readers
URL fragment (slug) the-lost-vanguard-trial
Index Sorting Title Lost Vanguard Trial