Comparing Change Set #1715 with #1716 for Forever Clone Act I

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Book Title Forever Clone Act I (Book 1)
Book Tagline A Magical Girl Deconstruction- in Web Serial Form
Book URL / Read URL
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Book Author(s) Kai Zeal
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre General
Update Schedule Weekly
Book Synopsis .Forever Clone. is a magical girl deconstruction placed in prose form. Or, more simply, it takes the tropes of the magical girl genre (such as magic transformations, for example) and takes it apart– measuring it against how that would actually play out within a more realistic setting. The story itself starts with Kaiyleyn Amaru (“Kaiyle”), a fourteen year old girl who’s been having strange, pain-filled and visionless dreams. However, she only has these dreams on the nights of brutal attacks within the forest section of her town. After weeks of not sleeping well, she ends up visiting the forest section itself, finding out that she was far more connected to the attacks and “special” than she could have ever assumed.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 3
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) forever-clone-act-i-book-1
Index Sorting Title Forever Clone Act I (Book 1)