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What Lies Unborn by Shroudphoenix

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by muses-success at 06:35, 13 November 2010. It may differ significantly from the current revision.

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Rated 6.33 out of 10 Statistics


Genre: Supernatural

Updated: Weekly


Overall Rating: 6.331

Average Rating: 5 (Guests), 5 (Members)

Ranking: #435

Rating Count: 0 (0 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


A man that drowns himself in alcohol to endure the harsh gift he has been given. A special agent and a nun that won’t leave him alone in his bliss, forcing him to confront reality. But what only he and a murderer knows is that there are more things at the stakes than some lives.

Destiny and choice, two opposites, that most people believe that only one of them can exist at a time, find themselves locked in an eternal battle. In the end, will the decisions of the protagonists affect the outcome of their lives at all?

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