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Vacancy by A.K. Caggiano

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Genre: Fantasy / Supernatural

Audience: young adult

Updated: Weekly

Content Advisory

Occasional Coarse Language


Overall Rating: 01

Average Rating: 9.65 (Guests), 10 (Members)

Ranking: #400

Rating Count: 21 (20 Guests, 1 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.

Vacancy by A.K. Caggiano product Read This

"Fun read that leaves you wanting more"

This is a fun and enthralling take on urban fantasy themes. The characters are well developed and not clichéd archetypes, the plot is engaging, and the writer balances the fun aspects of the story with some more serious sections, as well as some mystery. The plot flows very well, and I could see this being made into a captivating TV show.

My only wish is that the sections were longer, because I am always disappointed when I finish an episode and have to wait a week to find out what happens next. I would highly recommend this serial to anyone, but especially those who enjoy fantasy stories.

Rating: 10 / 10

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