Comparing Change Set #1901 with #1902 for Fiona of Fail

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Book Title Fiona of Fail
Book Tagline An account of the life, loves, triumphs and failures of Fiona of Fail, Warrior, Champion of Alcatia, as told in her own words.
Book URL / Read URL
Book Author(s) Daphne Orgone
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Fantasy
Secondary Genre Adventure
Update Schedule Every Few Days
Book Synopsis Fiona of Fail, aka Champion of Alcatia has been described by bards as the most formidable warrior the world has ever seen. In Alcatian ballads. Fiona is often described as an invincible giant scantily clad red haired barbarian who could defeat entire armies single handedly. Accounts from other nations paint Fiona as a blood thirsty giant, who delighted in killing, maiming and torturing mortal men both on the battlefield and off. The real Fiona, while physically exceptional and perhaps even supernatural, was a simple peasant girl whose prowess in battle swept her into the world stage. Fiona tells her own story on this blog, dispelling some myths and untruths, although some critics believe her own account may not be entirely historically accurate. Fiona\'s life includes violence and sex, amongst other things and those that are particularly squeamish (or are under age) should beware, although neither of these are actually the main focus of the tale.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 2
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
Intended Audience adult, fantasy, sword and sorcery, woman warrior
URL fragment (slug) fiona-of-fail
Index Sorting Title Fiona of Fail