Comparing Change Set #1649 with #1650 for DinoLand

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Book Title DinoLand
Book Tagline The real monsters aren\'t the dinosaurs.
Book URL / Read URL
Book RSS Feed
Book Author(s) A.J. O\'Connell
Author Homepage
Primary Genre Sci-Fi
Secondary Genre Suspense
Update Schedule none
Book Synopsis Steve Asten is revered as an entrepreneur, a scientist, and a hero: his amusement park saved Waterford, Pennsylvania from the ravages of a recession, his genetically-engineered dinosaurs garnered him a Nobel prize and his generous donations have given an entire generation of local children the chance to go to college. One of those children was Perdita Patrone, now DinoLand\'s vice president of marketing and his right-hand woman. Perdita has spent more than half her life in Asten\'s thrall, but when he reveals his latest business plan, she discovers that dinosaurs aren\'t Asten\'s endgame. His newest project is more sensational, and more dangerous.
Contain Mature Content? 1
Contain Coarse Language? 0 2
Contain Sexual Language? 0 1
Contain Violent Content? 0 2
URL fragment (slug) dinoland
Index Sorting Title DinoLand