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Subjugation by James Galloway (Fel)

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Rated 6.95 out of 10 Statistics


Chapters: 21

Genre: Sci-Fi / Suspense

Updated: Completed

Content Advisory

Occasional Sexual Content

Occasional Coarse Language

Occasional Violence


Overall Rating: 6.951

Average Rating: 9.5 (Guests), 6 (Members)

Ranking: #249

Rating Count: 2 (2 Guests, 0 members)

1 indicates a weighted rating.


Subjugation is a story that centers around Jason Fox and Jyslin Shaddale.  The Faey, an alien telepathic race, has taken control of Earth and are using it as a farming colony to supply food for their empire.  Jason is a college student who is learning faey technology, but is upset with the faey and their treatment of Earth.  Along the way, Jason meets a fiery red head name Jyslin, who takes a fancy to him and will not take no for an answer.  There is a problem though.  Jyslin is a Faey Imperial Marine.  And, marines are not easily deterred. . .

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"principles, resistance, telepathy, & sexy elf aliens"

Rating: 6/10

I have mixed feelings about this story. On one hand, I have a laundry list of dislikes about it. On the other hand, I did read through the whole novel (although I was skimming some toward the end) and I don’t regret doing so. The result is going to be a long review. The short version: don’t be afraid to read it, but certainly not a favorite of mine.

As the description says, this story…Read More


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